Submissions > Instructions to authors
Instructions for authors:
- The submission of papers will be allowed from the date of opening of the site. To access it, please register on the site by clicking on the "Connection" button on the top right.
- The text of the papers should be either in Microsoft Word or PDF format.
- To download the template file in Microsoft Word version, click on the following link Template JSTMM2024 . All necessary information is provided in the template.
- The number of pages must be 3 to 4 for reduced version submissions. Authors wishing to submit their articles for publication in edited proceedings or journals are invited to submit an extended version in English of 8 to 10 pages.
- Papers will be included in the conference proceedings once accepted.
- After acceptance, the scientific committee will decide whether the communication will be presented orally or in poster form.
Oral presentations:
- Each conference room will be equipped with a video projector connected to a computer equipped with Microsoft PowerPoint and Acrobat Reader software.
- It is strongly recommended to use the equipment provided. Pay attention to the portability of your presentation, which can be tested during breaks.
Guidelines for the preparation of Posters:
Please download and use the following example for preparing your poster: Template Poster JSTMM2024.