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Le Service Adulte de Chirurgie Orthopédique de l’Institut Kassab d'orthopédie organise en partenariat avec les organisateurs des JSTMM 2024 et l’équipe du projet PRF2023D6P1, une journée scientifique sur la thématique:


Cette journée constitue une opportunité pour exploiter les synergies et maximiser le potentiel de transfert technologique entre chercheurs mécaniciens, médecins et industriels.

20 Décembre 2024 – Occidental Marco Polo, Hammamet, Tunisie


The key papers from the previous edition of JSTMM were published in two special editions of the journal Matériaux et Techniques (If 0.9 Journal Citation Reports™ from Clarivate).

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Since 1997, the Scientific and Technical Days in Mechanics and Materials (JSTMM) have been an inescapable event for the scientific and industrial community. For this ninth edition, the central topic will be "Innovative Materials and Processes for Industrial and Biomedical Applications". This ambitious direction underscores the commitment of the organizer laboratories to explore the latest advancements, with a focus on their impact in both the industrial and medical sectors. Beyond the presentation of research works, the JSTMM aims to stimulate the emergence of collaborative projects between research laboratories, companies, and other actors of the ecosystem, thereby contributing to the dissemination and enrichment of knowledge in the field of innovative materials and processes.

The organizers are happy to welcome you to this edition which will take place:

from December 20 to 22, 2024 in Hammamet, Tunisia 

A selection of papers will be published in impact factor journals.



  • Laboratory of Mechanics, Materials and Processes LMMP (TN)
  • Mechanical Engineering Laboratory LGM (TN)
  • Laboratory Angevin of Mechanics, Manufacturing and Innovation LAMPA (FR)
  • Laboratory of Renewable Energy & Advanced Materials LERMA (MAR)



Presidency of the congress:

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Chair: Naoufel BEN MOUSSA                                                        Co Chair: Haykel MAROUANI

(LMMP-ENSIT)                                                                                       (LGM-ENIM) 


Scientific commitee:

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Chair: Mohamed Ali TERRES                                                                Co Chair: Tarek HASSINE

  (LMMP-ENSIT)                                                                                       (LGM-ENIM) 


Organizing commitee:

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 Chair: Ezzeddine FTOUTOU                                                          Co Chair: Houda YAHIAOUI

(LGM-ENIM)                                                                                      (LMMP-ENSIT)



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